Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Daniel Returns

Deja Vu.

That's what I'm thinking right now as I type this. Why? Because when I began this blog I began by mentioning at the outset that I had a habit of starting a blog going full on with it for a month or two, writing lots of posts that tended to turn out 4 times larger than what I set out to write and then quickly "burning out" and falling off till I forget the blogs existence entirely and return to the place of instant reaction, facebook. Well thats exactly how it went down this time aswell but, miracously, I return! Back with more knowledge that might start at fight thanksgiving. I ain't giving up on "America Departed" that easily. The sight of the header alone convinced me. I was exspecting to be embarrsed by this blog (as I usually am by my old writing, of any sort). But with this I looked at the header: "AMERICA DEPARTED: Chronicles of America at the Tipping Point, A Day by Day Record of the Obama Years" I said to myself, "that actually sounds like a blog I would want to read" which is a good sign.

I'd like to say after reading much of this blog for the first time in a long time that while I often wrote posts 4 times longer than what I set out to write that's not because it took me longer to say what I intialed sat down to write a post about but because the damn freedom of no word limits allowed me to exsplore and exspand my intial point to larger points). I'm used to using my Facebook status as my de facto blog and thus used to being cut off around 4 sentences worth of words. So what began as making a 3-4 sentence point about Haiti would turn into a mammoth 7 paragraph essay on Haiti. If my tone sounds regretful it's not because I consider those long distance efforts verbose (thats a problem for me all the time), rather they were some of my best posts on this blog, the problem is the exspareted feeling of writing a long piece, taking the time to edit it and make it good (out of sheer instict) and then finishing tired and realizing 1. that you did this work for no pay (which actually doesn't bother me much at all since what young person exspects money for there opinions when you grew up on facebook?) but worse 2. no one probably, ever, going to read your efforts-a very depressing thought. "Whats all the effort for?" Well I like writing. I have these opinions and what can one do with orginal ideas about the world? I feel I have to unload them. Discard them in a way. Put them in the archive for later reference. So that if I am thinking a lot about Haiti in July and about the loss of open spaces in autumn I can get a digital record of my thoughts on those issues down for posterity and sort of free myself from thinking (deeply) again about those subjects, atleast in the near term, and can move on to the next fascination (peak oil, at the moment) without the pent up baggage of previous thoughts that I think are worth sharing (or, usually, think are better than what the pro-pundits are saying) which I still have rattling around my head. This is why re-reading my old posts today was so fun. I couldn't remember any of them. It seemed like I wrote them 2-3 years ago thinking about how much I've learned in the time inbetween now and then. Anyways, to meander back to what I was talking about for an unknown upstart of 20 to start a mere blogger blog is such an up hill climb with no roadmap it's seems impossible. Sure, it can work 1. if your a Mickey Kaus or Steve Sailer who began in print media and in turn has a large pool fans to drawl upon when you launch a blog or 2. if you got in on the blogging revoultion on the ground floor ala Ezra Klein and Matthew Ygelsias and were thus easily and happily co-opted into cushy positions in the mainstream press online and/or print out of the Wadhington Post or whatever dinasaur media entities desire to get in on this whole blogging thing. How do you build up a blog that isn't a "Stuff White People Like" blog. What are you susposed to wait for a stray visitor searching through Blogger's 80 million unkown blogs and then hope he tells his friends? Or are you supposed to hope your friends who are nice enough to read your blog more than once email a link to it to there email-list. Well, my generation is post-email really so we don't even have email lists (if we do its all our siblings and parents emails probably). Are you depressed as hell already? Well, I wouldn't bring you this far down if I couldn't bring you back up. Because despite all the rational discouragement I just dished out to the aspiring young pundits of the world I have decided that all that rational pessmism doesn't matter at all. I have very little exsoectation of this blog being anything more than a diary. Sure your secret admirers and occasionally nice family memembers may every once and a awhile take a look out of curiosity but outside such far-and-between visits no one's going to read this (atleast in the near term) except for your humble servant. And I'm fine with that. So this is really just a record, a notebook, an archive of thoughts that were too long for a Facebook status. I like starting out with the slate clean as far as blogging again after a long absence but I've already done that 3 or 4 times and "America Departed" is such a damn good name that I think I should just come back here and start anew like Deja Vu. Boo!

So, yes, this is basically my diary/notebook. But, I warn you, you won't find any crushes or nightmares or gossip here. What you will find is terryfingly powerful knowledge the kind of knowledge that is compells the rigetous to action and compels scoundrels to slander and careerists to evasion. I'm giving you something here and your either going to slap back at it, walk away or join the cause. Your world is falling apart. The world you grew up in is in decay. Your intrest in your society is not selfless but competly self-intrested. Politics is not something that would get my attention had I been born in 1941 or 1912. The specter of the Soviet Union doesn't seem like something that drive me at all to write. The specter, however, of dispossesion of yourself, your family, friends, tribe, is a matter, for better or worse, which I must care about. This is my life. I have grown up with diveristy. I have spent a great deal of time in black neighborhoods and white ones (were I live) and I have concluded I much prefer to live within white "culture", "white world". You can call it "boring". Cool, hope you like living in Port-a-Prince. I myself am more of Paris-London-Berlin guy. Enjoy your shack. So I would prefer to live in a majority european America. NO hate in involved here. I come in peace. I don't want to hurt anybody from Haiti or Mexico I just don't want you to be able to sneak into my country, bring your 300 relatives each, and then make me submit to being ruled by Jesse Jackson Jr.. I prefer the alternative. Less Al Sharpton. Less L.A. Riots (diversity in action). Less LA RAZA. Less racial tension. Less discussion of race. Less conflict. I want community in the truest sense of that word, people getting along with each other, sharing a common culture, common language, common morals (e.g. monogamous marriage, etc.), and so on. Think London during the war. Does that make me a bad guy? A threat to you or anyone else? Whom? Why? You want to make a better world. You wanna cure AIDS or whatever. And I don't fuck with you for your worldview? I don't want any concerntration camps. I don't want blacks to have to walk on the side of the road or drink different water fountains. I don't want slavery back. No, I want to live my life in a society that values what European culture has valued and extolled for millena. I want a society with monogamous marriage where men who work hard and do good don't have to worry about finding wives because all the women have been shamed into not having kids and working like men. I want a society were its thought leaders understand the eternal truths of society. I don't want the Bishop of Cantebury endorcing lesbian priests, Sharia law, and feminism. I want leaders in my society who understand the difficult and inturn important truths of life, that men and women are different and have fundmrntally roles in a healthy society, who understand that family is the absolute buidling block of society without which a society crumbles into hellish decadence. I want to be able to focus as a society on us european's moral collapse. We must correct our tragic fall into moral anarchy and guess what? Not because I read it in the bible but because it's the best for our happiness as indivuals aswell. I don't want to have to deal with immigration. I don't want us to always have to talk about the racial strife, the muslim riots in Paris, the LA RAZA rallies on May Day. I hope you get the picture of the society I want. If you think the moral health of our society is A-OK and marriage is an obosolete instuition then go be a bachelor and/or bachelerotte the rest of your life, enjoy Thanksgiving at 65 by yourself. I myself think fuliment and family go together. I think hip hop is a descipcable music and culture. But if you wanna listen to 50 Cent when your 55 be a old fool. Our culture may be made for 21 year olds but I have bad news bro: your only 21 once, there of other years in life when hip hop and decadent chaos may not fufill you any longer. I could desrcibe much worse, rest assured. And to return the senstive but nessacairy subject of race: sure you have your store bough platitudes about co-existence and tolerance. Well, good. I'm not telling any one to shoot anyone cause there any color. Co-Existence, fine. I only ask you to look to the most diverse places on earth and tell me what you see: violence, strife, division, social atomization, secession, civil war, geonocide. And then I ask you only: do you want more diversity now or less? But hey Mr. white guy who pretends to not care a wit about race: how are you going to feel when you click on the telly for the state of the union and Jesse Jackson Jr. is giving it and the speaker of the house is Luis GUitterez? "I wouldn't mind at all. why would I?" Ofcourse, thats what you say. Nothing phases you with your PC poker face on. But tell me, Mr. Fashionable Yuppie, when you come home, take off the walking GAP catalogue, watch your Jon Stewart, and un-strap your PC Muffler what do you think then Mr. Fashionable Yuppie? Do you still "not care at all" about being a minority in a country you, deep down always thought of as a, gasp, "white country"? dare I say, even, thought of it as "your country?"
Are you scared that if you admit this that you will be on the road to Holacaust Denial? I assure your not. I myself am a jew and a scot. No, you are not, despite what years of insidious media and enternaiment brainwashing, becoming a right wing racist extremist Timothy McVeigh running around a winter forest in military gear preparing for the second coming of Christ. No, what your doing when you accept things like that your tribe, or that, as a human subject to evoultion, you naturally feel more comfortable around people of your own race you are not discovering that slavery was good or that there was no Holacaust, no, your accepting your natural human preferences and nature as a human primate which is true to every group of people on this earth. And accepting this as naturally is not to justify bigotry, it doesn't mean that it's OK to enslave black people. No, like most anything, too much tribalism can be a very bad thing. But tribalism when moderated at its natural level were one treats peoples of other races equally, but doesn't hate oneself for prefering the company, on average, of people like you is not an evil thing. It's something blacks and all other races are already to say whenever they want. I am not asking you to embrace Hitler or David Duke or the KKK. That stuff holds no intrest for me. I'm not into "all-white" this or that. I just want people of European ancestory to de-brainwash themselves. To rinse the white guilt and ethnocentric-masochism out of there minds that public schools, movies and TV shows with subtle (very subtle) but consitent anti-white themes/sterotypes have ingrained deep in our pysches not through persuading us to distrust ourselves and see the worst in our tribe/race/group/whatever. They instilled in us ("they" does not mean jews) by making the whitest, blondest, blue eyed actors the greedy, evil villian in the movies we saw everytime and making non-whites in films always kind, calm, smart, and sometimes even godly (e.g. Morgan Freeman in that Jim Carrey movie, Forest Whitker in "Ghost Dog") by never showing, say, black children in groups acting the rambacious way black children in groups often behave in real life. All the things in real life which breeds not hatred but fear and/or hostility towards to blacks (among all groups) in real life exsperiences like getting mugged or whatever by a black thug/bum or whatever that sttuff was long ago exiled from the silver screen, realism replaced with the new goal of dispelling "racist" sterotypes about minorities. Sterotypes ofcourse are often based on a germ of truth or, often, just plain facts (see crime stats for black on white crime, etc.). So Hollywood after the 70's decided to dispell these "racist" false sterotypes of blacks by creating actually fake sterotypes of another group but a group which society is allowed to slander and pick on and sterotype contrary to facts: white people. So next week "Law & Order" has a episode on Johnny Jihad a blonde haired blue eyed jihadist who blows up an airplane. Ever heard of that happening?

I'm tired, bye. I'm back.

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