Thursday, September 22, 2011

2nd Return

It's been a year or more since I last posted here let alone even set eyes on this blog. I like reading my old posts and kinda wish I had continued so I could have a neat place for all my thoughts. Anyhow since I stopped posting on blogger I defaulted back to using facebook status' as my blog. The word limit is strangely liberating and comforting for me as a writer. It forces me to cut to chase and cut out the fat in my writing. I wish I could have my posts semi-automaticly posted on a blog like this but such a service has yet to emerge (Tumblr is like that but in reverse which is useless to me). My knowledge has grown greatly since I last wrote here, moving closer to difficult truths is both a blessing and a curse for obvious reasons. It's scary how fucked up America is right now especially my generation. But my knowledge also makes me feel sort of in control of my destiny in a way my piers don't have. They are essentially oblivious to the mess they/we are walking into (America today). I can see ahead. I'm prepared for the worst. I'm exsploring different avenues, escape plans, etc. Talking to an immigration lawyer friend about how difficult it would be for me to move to Australia or Canada and the like.

I'll use this re-engagement post, to record some impressions I have looking over this blog (and my writing and thus my thoughts at that time compared to my thoughts today).

1. I'm both less "patriotic" and more patriotic. I'm much less of a "war on terror", Sean Hannity-esque, American flag-waver (which I regard as naive, plastic "patriotism" which doesn't help the nation) but more of what i consider a true "patriot". I no longer identify so much strictly with "America" (1 nation seperate from europe, etc.). I identify with "the west" (i.e. the european/anglosphere/white world). Plastic "patriotism" of which I once induldged is about grilling Obama supporters on his adminstration's refusal to use the term "war on terror" and to be obbessed with supporting Israel (as if it were are 51st state). But such a shallow mindset is fading among right wingers of late. I lost that "patriotism" what seems like years ago. Not to mention my hardcore neo-con days in high school. I lost that ideology way long ago and the mammoth paper I wrote for my english class, "Defending Goliath" a 40 page neocon foreign policy agenda that argued for invading Iran and other such things would probably embarrses me if I read it today (though my views on Iran aren't so different today actually). I am not alone in this metamorphisis of which I write. That false ideology that saw America as a great nation destine to slay foreign dragons abroad in perupuity was of those false prosperous days before the housing crash. With that bubble's popping so popped many delusions of the 9/11-Bush decade. Saving the european charchter of the western nations (USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Europe) is my patriotism. And for whats its worth I see many on the right especially those younger people moving towards my current ideas. The Ron Paul-ites would say that the move is from neocon's like Mark Levin and Micheal Medved to Ron Paul style conservativismm (non-intervention, end the fed, etc.). This is true to an extent but Ron Paul is not the be all end all at all. He ignores issues Americans are yearning to act on (immigration, and other connected issues of demography, affirmative action, etc.). The move is really from the Bush's and Mark Levin's and even Limbaugh's toward Pat Buchanan style conservatism (Steve Sailer, John Derbyshire, RadioDerb, Vdare, Alt-Right, Amren, Jared Taylor, Youth for Western Civilization, the Political Cesspool, James Edwards, Richard Spencer, Paul Gottfried, Occidental Observer and Kevin Macdonald, HBD chick, Peter Brimelow, Marcus Epstein, the HL Mencken, National Policy Instuite, Center for Immigration Studies, with a dash of Mark Steyn). I assume the mass of politically engaged, internet savy peeps on the right haven't arrived at the above for mentioned end point yet but are curbing in that direction at the moment. The question is can and/or will they be able to find these sites and these videos and these articles and these guys? If and when they do, they like me, will settle down having found the people that speak for them after a long time of thinking people like them had thoughts few others had. That is probably a bigger "if" than I'd like to admit but even so it's just in the air. The zeitgeist (on the right but also just among whites in general who aren't already committed leftists) there is a move in this direction. People who don't even read Buchanan columns are making the same points he's making on their own.

2. I never right about "the terrorists threat" these days like I used to.

3. I dislike and distrust the "GOP" (i.e. the machinery of the GOP, the establishment, etc.) much more than I used to.

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