Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama's is placing America down the European path as the European abandon that route for a more (pre-Obama) US Route relizing bankruptcy of nannystat

Have you noticed anything missing from the health care "debate"? Any words, in paticular the utter absensce of which has become rather striking by now?

Have you eyed or eared the following word lately: Europe? No? Well me neither which is only yet another inditment of the quality of the healthcare tug of war which is currently on hiatus while Obama tries to shepered the passing of a "Jobs Bill" they very sound of which makes me reach for my wallet and my revolver.

One would think, if rationality where the animating force of the health care scuffle, there would have been tremendous debate about whether European style socialist health care and the European welfare state was such a smahing success.

My intuitive media radar tells me that, amazingly, no one has yet to point out the Democrats are trying to drag a unwilling America onto a path that the more socialistic west Europeans democracies went down decades ago and yetto go by what can roughly be called the on going healthcare debate you would think that that the Democrats want to do something entirely orginal that has never been tried before by nation(s). It seems strangely that it's the Democrats who don't want to talk about Europe and how all the policy they yearn for worked out in the long run in the nations who adopted these basic policies long ago. Right now, figuring out whether the story of goverment run health care was a triumph or a tragedy (or a tragedy waiting to happen) is clearly the most important question to answer in the short term. But the other items on the Obama agenda after healthcare have also been in Europe sometimes not so long ago really at all. Take, Cap & Trade, one of the worst items on the Obama wishlist and a issue unlike obamacare is easy to understand and easy to predict in all the terrible economic effects Cap & Trade will have and all the "transformative" enviomental effects it won't have as a result of reducing carbon emissions a neglible amount easily nullfied by all the co2 the devloping world emits. The only thing that Cap and trade will be help to cut back on is jobs and business in America, the neglible amount of Co2 we cut back will have no effect on the climate. No one serious denies that Cap & Traade is bad for Americans economically. Combined with the increased burdens plcaed on buisness big and small the increased cost of doing business here created by Cap & Trade will send business and corporations moving out of the country for good and taking their jobs with them as well as rapidly bring about a massive wave of outsourcing of jobs to Asian economies whichhave become far more buusiness friendly than the United States. The Democrats don't realize that America has to actually compete in this world to keep and to imaintain and increase the appeal of the American economny. Businessmen, investors, and people in today realize or atleast think that the United States is about to move to the left, Obama may loose in 2012 but the feeling is that he will invetiably be able to put in place huge liberal structural changes that will have the goverment running American healthcare among other changes, following the European model that has proved sucidial if not simply diastrous for Europe economically as well as socially stymmying entrupernership, indpdence and indutrury on the oart of the indivual and mking citizens into the children of the stat and, meanwhile, as America appears adamant upon followiwng Europe's exact footsteps of decline, the Asiatic nations of India, China, Singapore and the like appear to have learned in a deep way all the lessons that America has forgotten for the moment, about limited goverment, taxes and beyond.
Americans seem to be blind to the fact that they can no longe exspect for business to turn the other check again and againand not move its jobs out of America if the Democrats levy the burdens of obamacare on business, then increase the cost of doing business in America even more (and raise energy prices) ship away even more jobs with Cap & Trade those sacrficies would allresult in the cutting back of a negligible, insignifgant amount of co2-as the most honest green people will admit like Ralph Nader. So Cap & Trdae will, in summary, ship away millions of jobs , dramaticly increase the cost of doing business in America,raising food and energy prices and imposing the largest ever tax aka transfer of wealth from the people to the Goverment in our history and all these sacrficies will be for what "pay off"? "Green jobs" won't make up dir anything like the huge amount of jobs lost to asia as a result o this. But won't we save the earth? No, because Cap & Trade will have no apparent climatological benefit s for the very reason that theactual cut backs in Co2 will be neglibible and completly nullfied, canceled out and over come by the amount of the Co2 China and/or India alone will increasingly emit. Once you make it clear that there is no climatelogical signifgance the hapless true believers of Cap & Trade tell you that its good for the economy to deveolp "green technologies" the fact is that no one wants to 3 times as much money for clean solar energy shen you can get clean nuclear energy without the higher prices with nuclear power plants which don't emit Co2. One lesson that should be taken from France is that if America got as much of its energy from nuclear as France did, we would be well below the traget emissions reductions and unlike with solar and wind energy it wouldn't exact a completly unviable economic cost. The fact is that"green" technologies aren't good enough yet and that if we were smart we would invest in further research that could create better green techbologies. In short, Obama's talk of "green jobs" as the new base of the glorious new American ecoconomy is something only Ralph Nader could come up with. But then again China and India are making it clear they won't sign on to any global govermental climate change agency or treaty unless they receive payments in the billions from America as Obama has just done for Africa giving them a 100 billion dollars we don't have for corrupt African regimes to "prepare forclimate change". Coopenheganshould have been the definitive turning point for americans who realized that the whole summit was basically a 3rd world scheme to force America to essentially create a binding international govermental body that will allow Africa and some other 3rd world nations to vote themselves 100 of billions of Americantax payer dollars without consolntanting the American people , without Americans having any kind of veto. Essentially, if America wants to try new, alternative sources of energy it should build its self more nuclear power plants and force the Nevaians not to reneg on there contract and allow Yukka Mountain to be used as a place to store nuclear waste. Getting more of our energy from nuclear power will unlike unvialable solar and wind energy won't double the amount of money Americans pay for energy. Since no one but a minature elite with money to waste will buy into hugely exspensive solar & wind energy if they free market is allowed to decide it would way Obama will be able to deliver even a small portion any of the 2 million green jobs (which Obama, in speeches and in TV ad's has poytrayed as the new base of the US economny itself over more billionr Only if the goverment tyranically forces Americans and American companies into buying overly exspensive "green" energy with crackpot schemes like Cap & Trade.
This generation of Americans hasexspects continued prosperity to continue automatic as the divine state of American economomc and more problematicly many Americans, again on the left,have trouble accepting truths that aren't what they'd like them to be. This is true of Global WArming, race, diversity, immigration, education, latinos, latino assmilation, patriotism and IQ. But at the moment the first a nd most important bubble belief to popped is the multi-faceted global warming myth(s) that include 1. Al Gore's "science" is shaky at best and is all best on computer projection modeling, much of the data has been shown to be manupilated and less credible than before thought Thomas Friedman doesn't know how hot it will be in 87 years and at what rate it will get hot 2.No one has shown for sure how much climate changecurrently is effected by man made activetly versus the natural climate cycle 3. CHina and India and Russia and much if not all of the devolpoing world is totally opposed to the global goverment treay/entity that would hava to be created in order to enforce a serious climate change treaty, even if China and India did join in and allow intrusive inspection and not enough co@, according to Al GOre 's sources, would be cut (let alone in time) to have any real effect. In other words it can't be done now, unless some new method of cleaning the climate, like cloudwashing and that type of stuff that could to alot more for alot less money compared to economony killing stuff like Cap & Trade.

that will lead to the shipping away of millions of jobs to more attractive and in a way more stable Asian markets long & short term effects the which is easy to understand not endlessly complex, issue that issue whicv

and the success and failure and sustsenability of French and other european' countries health care

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