Monday, December 28, 2009

Amnesty: the Sequel & the most absurd name for a bill in 2009 Award goes to......

....................local up n' coming artist of treason, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) who has just a this very week introduced the American apcolpayse to the legsliative pipeline in the form of an amnesty bill called:

the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009″ (H.R. 4321).

It is sponsored by Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-TX) and has a total of 92 co-sponsors, all who are Democrats. I wonder why the two co-shepards of an amnesty bill at a time of massive unemployment are latino? Could it be for the same reason why LA RAZA is the only group lobbying for free non-emergency (e.i. Aderral prescriptions on us) obamacare for 20 million illegal? Could it be.....that amnesty as with free obamacare (e.i. free prescriptions for 20 million illegals) is good for Mexicans in America (and those Mexicans waiting for obamacare to pass) but not very good, infact, very fucking bad for, say, Americans (of the non-hyphonitated non-dual loyality variety,) who will pay 1. pay for 20 mill poor uneducated Mexican's health care, education, and welfare and 2. will have to compete with 20 million new (unpatriotic) citizens for jobs (16 million Americans are already unemplyed by the way, great way to help them out. huh?).

The very proposing, the very suggestion of, let alone the introduction of an amnesty bill at this time inwhich 16 million Americans are unemployed is a insult in itself. Period. But Guiterez's amnesty bill for "America's death and destructuion" adds insult to injury to in one of the bill's eyebrow raising provisions. This is ends all questions about where the loyality of Rep. Guiterez and Oritz lies.



(1) prohibit the apprehension of persons on the

premises or in the immediate vicinity of—

(A) a childcare provider;

(B) a school;

(C) a legal-service provider;

(D) a Federal court or State court proceeding;

(E) an administrative proceeding;

(F) a funeral home;

(G) a cemetery;

(H) a college, university, or community college;

(I) a victim services agency;

(J) a social service agency;

(K) a hospital or emergency care center;

(L) a health care clinic;

(M) a place of worship;

(N) a day care center;

(O) a head start center;

(P) a school bus stop;

(Q) a recreation center;

(R) a mental health facility; and

(S) a community center;

What does this say, to an illegal alien? It says "hey spend your time at any of the following places cause police can't enforce the law at any of them." And Luis Guiterez knows this, he is certainly sending a message to the group he cares about: his fellow Mexicans.

And notice how Guiterez's bill says that ICE and the Police can't do there job and apprehend criminals who broke into the nation even if there a criminal, not only if the illegal fugitive is at any of those listed placed but that they can't even apprhend an illegal criminal in the "vicinity" of any such locations. This is no accident. What does "vicinity" entail? A 20 foot radius around a building? Guiterez leaves this "vicinity" loophole on purpose, once again, to obviously help his brothers out (his brothers being Mexicans legal or illegal).


(b) NOTICE TO APPEAR.—The Secretary shall amend the Notice to Appear form to include a statement that no immigration enforcement activity was undertaken in any of the locations described in subsection.

So the Democrats essentially get to make there own comitte and secreterary to decide if an illegal was arrested in the "vicinity" of a building or not. Surely, they will apoint the former head of LA RAZA, some well known treasonist friend of illegal immigrants who probably thinks it out of the question to build a border.

Some believe that “The Secretary” that would be the Secretary of Labor who would be the de facto enforcer of the sanctuary areas which would be ridiclous because enforcing our immigration laws, apprhending illegals is not a "labor issue" but primarily a matter for the Department of Homeland Security which is run by the terrible lesbian liar, Janet Napolitano who is although downright applauling in her utter neglect for the border especially during swine flu, but Napolitano as bad as she beats having the even more overtly disloyal latino, Hilda Solis deciding wheather to allow illegals to hide in Sanctuary Citys and Sanctuary Hide outs (for Solis will surely do all she can for her Mexican brothers and sisters).

In this case it seems that “The Secretary” is the Secretary of Labor would be the enforcer of the sanctuary areas. Wouldn’t that be the job of the DHS? Janet Napolitano sure wouldn’t be happy if Hilda Solis was stepping on her toes.

This means that if the Police know a illegal who has robbed a store, they can't go get him if he's hiding in a ACORN office.

And i assure you that this bill has not been covered and if and when it does go somewhere in the Congress, the Media outside FOX won't give a moments notice and if they do they won't mention this absurd list of sancutuary locations for illegals to hide from the law enforcment at. All this list is designed to do is to make it far more difficult for ICE agents to do there job. This is a goal of Democrats that isn't reported, but they do it at all levels of goverment:the goal is to make it is hard as possible if not illegal for law enforcement to enforce our immigration laws. They vote against a border. They vote to make it illegal for cops to ask non-english speaking latino robbers if there citizens (even when there in our jails!) and they Unconstuitionally declare there towns and citys official or de facto "Sanctuary Citys" and give illegals Sanctuary hang-outs for illegals nationwide as Guiterez desires to do in this bill.

So let me get this straight, assuming Obamacare passes by tommorow, illegals who break our laws get from us:

1. Hundred's of miles of wide open southern border to walk right through, equipt with trails for thousands of illegals to walk back and fourth through as if in a national park. (Note: it costs as much as the wars in the middle east for 1 month of fighting to build a impentrable southern border. It would pay for itself in 2 years tops and save thousands of people lives who die every year from immigrant diseases (e.g. swine flu has killed 90 thousand) not to mention illegal drunk drivers and murderers. Keep this figure in mind .)

2. Once you have snuck into America illegally, you can walk into any hospital and are legally entitled to receive health care. No citizens verification system exists with Obamacare thanks to the Democrats efforts voting down GOP attempts to create a system to weed out illegals from citizens. You can have a 60,000 brain surgery and 2 month hospital stay and the American tax payer will pay for the whole cost of it. Your uncle Miguel has clogged artirarys but doesn't want to pay for surgery, you say? Well go back to Mexico City, take the next bus back to Tijuana and walk into El Paso and the American Tax payer will pay for your Uncle Miguels 12 thousand dollars surgery and 7 grand hospital stay! Do you have trouble focusing? Well, we'll pay for aderll presciptions for you too at a cost of 50$ a refill (30 refills a year) for as long as you need it! Have you brought your family across the border with you, too? Don't worry we'll pay for there 367$ monthly parmuctetical bill for your 3 daughters Xanax and your wive's Aderall. How long will the goverment pay for my family pharmuctical bill? As long as you and your family need it silly. And you don't care that i'm an illegal immigrant? Ofcourse not, all we care about is keeping people that are here healthy, so that they don't get sick and cost us more in the long run, you see? Uh huh, thats very generous of the American people but aren't you going to call the police to arrest me cause i'm an illegal? No, no. That would be against the law. You can't arrest an "undocumented" person if there in a all hospital, as with 45 other types of places.

3. Once you get all the free healthcare you and your family desire, then receive 12 years of free public education plus a college scholarship of your choice. Each year we spend 17,000 on an indivual student. So if you have 4 kids you brought with you across the border then we have to educate them all for 12 years at a cost of around 60,000 per year multipled by 12 years plus a free college tuition that costs 23,000 a year courtesy of the US tax payer. Oh yea and all community college classes are free for illegals too thanks to the "STRIVE" act.

4. So you've gotten your free healthcare, free education for your kids, now get your free welfare services.

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