Monday, December 28, 2009

Anybody got Jesse's number?

Jesse Jackson, the 5 time winner of the cat fish-look-alike award (awarded by me annually ever since my sister let me in on the fact that Jackson looks like a catfish) should write a book called, "The Art of Being Offended"

If Jesse's to busy extorting Toyota or whomever it is these days, then i'm sure Al Sharpton or Illinois Rep. Luis Guiterez (the slimy author of the new amnesty bill) or any body working at the Southern Poverty Law Center, CAIR, LA RAZA, the ACLU, the NAACP or can write this potential best-seller which i foresee as trailblazing a new sub-genre in self help racial grievance-mongering.

They publish dozens of how to get rich quick books a year, but why not a "Getting your slice of Social Justice, now!: How to get rich suing for Discrimination". That could be written by the shameless black guy who sued the New Haven fire department after the Ricci ruling cause no blacks passed the test (which was checked twice and shown to not be "culturally bias" each time) and Frank Ricci received the promotion to Captain he earned. Whatever happened with that lawsuite?

And finally, who shall write "White Guilt: How to make it pay (on that pink slip day)"?

If there where alot of afro-centric bookstores i think "The Art of Taking Offense" could actually sell, seriously.

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