Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sex and Terrorism: a love affair

Sometimes the truth is right under are noses. Today it is more than ever. The truth about what motivates islamic terrorism (and terrorism in general) is as everyday and familiar and, indeed, unviersal as catching a cold and yet most are oblivious to it entirely.

If you want to know this sad truth that is the ultimate driving force behind acts of Islamic terror take a look at the following courtesy of John Dernyshire,

"Pittsburgh computer techie George Sodini shooting up an aerobics class at his local gym. Three women died and at least ten others were wounded. Then Sodini shot himself. He left behind web diaries in which he wailed about his utter lack of success with women. He hadn't had a proper relationship since 1984, and hadn't had any sex at all since 1990. This is pretty baffling stuff. I think most of us assume that no matter how unsightly you are or how quirky your personality, there is someone out there to suit you. Sodini was not in fact unsightly. He was good-looking and kept himself in shape. His personality was a bit peculiar, but well within the range of everyday oddity for all anyone could see, and to judge from the video tour of his house you can see on the internet. He really tried to connect with women, even attending a dating course."

Yes, indeed, as with so many other issues, sex and the lack of it, is at the heart of islamic terrorism. I've suspected this for a while and known it to be true far longer. Perhaps women won't get this point as quickly as men will for lack of testrone. But ladies, you must understand, as many of you do understand i'm sure, how easily a man, these days, can come to hate women to such a degree that they feel compelled to shot up a arobics class full of innocent members of your gentle sex to death.
You see out of need springs hate. Men hate women, to varying degrees, cause they need women and they hate that they need creatures they find while attractive, to be at the same time so often, so dumb, so shallow, and so annoying (to them not me ofcourse). Ofcourse this level of irratation with the more, let us say, garish charcterstics of the modern liberated American women is usually a product of a man who finds his desire for women woefully unrescpricated. Mr. Sodini certainly found his own desire for the fairer sex unrecipocrated to a excruciating extent.

But this is just one type of male/muslim male susciptible to the siren song of Bin Ladenism and terrorism. It is always, the lonely sexually frustrated muslim alone in America that goes loco and shoots up a arobics class of middle aged women. That kind of jihadist is home grown in western societys like Major Hasan and the English 7/7 bombers, but the type of muslim that comes from the mid-east to do there deed like the 9/11 hijackers are a different breed of enraged muslim. This other breed is inspired by sex in another less immediately direct way. This lot of foreign born islamic terrorists quite have a content family life. They often have a wife and might have not just one but 7 wives as in the case of Osama Bin Laden and usually have quite a few children too. While like most muslims who've grown up in middle eastern nations, they may not have had that much interaction let alone sexual intimacy with women before marriage and maybe not much after they usally aren't in most cases, very sexually frustrated persons. There rage at the west derives from a fear of female liberation (which however moral is a somewhat rational fear). If the Sodini home-grown terrorists are motivated by pessmism and depression. Anti-Americanism in the middle-east is not so much hatred as it is simple fear or atleast animosity fueled by fear.

Muslim fathers in the middle east, quite understandably, can develope a keen hatred for the west in fear of there daughters becoming slutty, amoral, Paris Hilton's through the corrupt influence of MTV and the rest of feminized, decadent western media. They hate and fear the image of the Paris Hilton females of the west, strutting around in there slutty lust-inducing clothes, shopping on there fathers tab and dominanting weak-chinned, feminized males who they've have tied around there feminine fingers.

If there is one person muslims scorn and fear, it is not evangelical Christian, George W. Bush, or othodox jewish neo-con's like Norman Podhoretz, but the liberal Paris Hilton and the even more liberal, Betty Friedan-the twin symbols of "female liberation" and modern female sluttery. I've long been pointing out (as a critic of both the Afgan and Iraqi war) that muslims do turn to anti-western jihadism because of American tanks rolling into Bagdad but because of television Sattelite beeming MTV into there daughters bedroom. Even if America, as i hope, would withdrawl all it's tentacles from the world jihadism would keep on apace for the American 5th infantry division of the US army but is supported by MTV.
The United States has never intervened in Yemen, so why are so many major radical Imams coming out of Yemen? Because they do not fear American bombs falling on there heads but they do American hedonism and feminism entering there culture, there daily lives, there customs, there family lives and destroying it all for them. They don't fear there daughters being bombed by an American jet aircraft, the fear there daughter becoming a rebellious, atheist, "western slut" after she gets a taste of American culture.

This is why i laugh when i hear liberals going on talking about how the existence of Gauntnamo Bay is causing Muslims to turn to anti-American jihadism. Look, our wars in Afganistan and Iraq i won't deny have added to anomsity towards America (though i think that won't be true once we leave) but Gitmo, Iraq, Afganistan, even the Abu Grahib scandal all in the long run add neglibly to the likelihood of another Fort Hood shooting.

Our occupation of Iraq, the waterboarding of KSM, all these things are all low hanging fruit for a jihadist terrorist looking for excuses/justfications for why they shot up a arobics class or blew up a building. Take Mr. Sodini, the shooter of innocent women in a arobics class, is he going to say or write in the note he leaves for the police when they raid his apartment that he did what he did because he couldn't get laid? or because he hates uppity wetsern "liberated" womenhood in there corrupty clothes? No, that would be too embarsing. He would be laughed at by the whole country the one time he gets his face on the front page of the New York Times. So these terrorists leave sucide notes mentioning Israel and Gauntanmo Bay and all the rest instead.

This is pretty basic human nature and yet, seemingly, no one mentions sexual frustration as a driving cause of jihadist terrorism (or terrorism altogether) out of embarsment or cowardice or lack of creative anylatical skills to be sure.

As i said earlier, sex is at the bottom of issues outside terrorism. In fact, with many issues, true understanding of the issue at hand is, incomplete, without understanding the sex factor. What if you were wondering why Japan (like China), for instance, is so homegenous and takes in hardly any immigrants? Most people would come up with some boiler plate exsplanation about "Japanese tradition". Surely, a large part of the exsplanation is rather unsayable, which i would adduce to be Japanese fears of sexual inadquecy. Japanese men and asian males, in agreggate, have surely noticed to there discomfort, the trend in America, for example, for asian women to defect from the race, and marry and date non-asian typically white males. This fact about female Asian preferences has created a great many bitter asian guys hence the name of the popular blog Thus the Japanese, not wanting there women to stray, have logically decided not to, say, import tens of millions of non-asian men into there country who may potentially "steal" a gross number of "there women". Why take the risk of new sexual compietors? Makes sence right? But as is obvious to say this in public would be completly out of the question and would probably offend or atleast make any asian males present extremly uncomfartable. Yet another akward though nonetheless truth point about matters related to race.

But even this point about asian and sex is not at all seperate from the discussion of terrorism. One of the most famous home grown American terrorist was 23-years old, Cho Seung-Hui the Virginia Tech student who murdered 33 and injured 50 on his rampage on the Virgina Tech campus back in 2007.

What was the motivating cause of the korean immigrant, Seung-Hui's massacre? Sex-once again.

As came out after the Virgina Tech massacre ,Cho Seung-Hui, was isolated, alien to his surroundings and his non-Korean piers and most of all, chronically sexually or atleast "romantically" frustrated. He had gotten in trouble earlier at Virgina Tech for stalking a girl he was infutiated with, following her around, calling her until she went to the campus faclulty for help getting the creepy Seung-Hui of her back. And then months later Cho Seung-Hui loses it, but loses it with gun aimed at his fellow students.

Lest you not see the obvious implications, this says something about the problematic nature of diversity. Young men and men will always be insecure and at times, sexually discontent anyplace, anytime-no matter what. It's merely human nature. But to be a stranger in a strange and/or foreign land can compound the fatalism of young man down on his with the ladies to a terrible even, as we see, dangerous degree. It must be tough on asians, for instance, in America to watch TV when almost all the faces on the screen don't look like theres. To be, at times, looked in a different way. To be, wheather perceived or truelly, treated in a different way. To be a ethnic "outsider". In case one ascribes these things that can make one feel like an outsider to "racism", note that these things are all naturely part of the exsperiences of any person who finds themselves living in a nation where they belong to a very small minority of the population.

If Cho Seung-Hui had grown up in his native Korea rather than come to America the chance are that he would not have become a school shooter. Chances are that Cho Seung-Hui might well have felt the same social alienation and sexual dissapointment that meet him in America but chances are that those ubiqtous adlocents annoyances wouldn't have blommosed into murdeous rage. But his loneliness was obvilously compunded by being a Korean in America as was true Mr. Sodini and is was true with Major Hasan the most recent domestic terrorist to kill innocent people in America.

The reason you don't have white Americans committing as much acts of terror is among other reasons, mainly the result of them being in "there own" society vacinatted against the variety of rage and alienation that so easily plagues non-white foreigners and immigrants in America like Hasan and Cho Seung-Hui.

I'll guess i'll just put this down as no. 76 in my endlessly ong-going list of reasons why diversity is nothing to be desired(and don't need more mass immigration). But then again, nothing outside "increasing threats posed to our national security by our open borders" seems to be allowed to be mention as to what the downsides of mass immgration are.

I can happily and honestly say for the first time, that this post here at my up n' coming blog America Departed is something you really really won't get anywhere else.

Allow to end this incredibly insightful lesson in the causes of jihadist terrorism by proscribing a policy solution. It's quite simply:

The way to decrease the risk of producing the next home grown Major. Hasan or Cho Seung-Hui is not to invade the world or "engage" with the middle east there gasy Obama-esque rhetoric about Islam as a religoun of "peace", but to legalize prostitution. If hookers where more readily available to the next would-be domestic terrorist he might put down the 44. magnum and pick a magnum condom.

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