Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to fix our immigration policy

FACT 1: 1 in 8 prisoners locked up in Californian jails is an illegal immigrant.

FACT 2: In the last 10 years, of the many hospitals that have gone bankrupt and closed as a result: 80% of them went bankrupt because of debts over half of which where due to giving illegal immigrants billions in free health care as they must do legally.

A. Even in jail these illegal immigrants are costing the tax payer a boatload of money we don't have perhaps more than outside the prison gates. I'm sure it costs something like 7,000 dollars a year to lock up 1 inmates, so multiply that by, lets, say the 20,oo0 illegal inmates in California state pentetrarys and thats too much money to paying for illegal immigrants. And remember California is broke, brokest state of all states and one which is now begging for the Federal goverment to bail it out of its huge debt. They claim they can't find anyways to cut any fat from the state budget?

B. This state which is deep in debt it needs a bailout needs to deport the tens of thousands of illegal criminals in there jails pronto. In the process the state will save trillions of dollars in avoided costs of 1. paying for them in jail (7 grand a year for over 20 thousand) 2. paying for there education, welfare and healthcare once they get out. Why are they still in America if we have them custody and know there illegals?

C. Our federal immigration laws apparents have been nullified in California and the result is a state with a bigger deficit than most nations. Enforcing are immigration laws even minimally would save California probabably, i'd guess, 25 billion dollars and trillions in the next 3 years. But apparently Californians only have hearts and no brains.

D. As we see in California, our open border, our un-enforced and openly ignored immigration laws, have and are contuining to exact a massive cost upon not just California but every state save Hawaii and Alaska. The cost is in trillions dollars, thousands of lives (yes, lives) that we have lost as a result. We hand illegal immigrants trillions in free health care, welfare, education and jail and we give them tens of thousands of American lives in the people illegals kill eiether by 1. bringing in infectious disease like Swine Flu and TB that kill tens of thousands, for instance over 90,000 have died of Mexican Swine Flu brought in threw open borders 2. they kill citizens directly by murder and drunk driving. And they are breaking up our nation culturally and turning the Southwest into New Mexico for real. Also:hurting our schools, increasing class size, hospital waits, resulting in the rationing of care for citizens, etc.

The Solution:

-Spend the amount of money we spend in a month fighting 2 useless wars in Afganistan and Iraq and use it build a impentrable border (talk about public works projects!) that will pay for itself in 2 years and be saving 20 billion dollars a year every year after.

-Deny all free welfare, education, schloraships and non-emergency health care to illegal immigrants (so many go home themselves).

-Increase penalties on employers caught employing illegal immigrants.

-Fix the Department of Labor that oversee's social security so that the millions of illegal immigrants who fake there idenity by putting down someone elses social security when employers have to write workers socials down, are caught. As of today millions get away with faking social security numbers to work.

- End all "Sanctuary Citys" such as San Fransico and Chicago just to name a few.

-End all school programs which teach illegal immigrant children in spanish only and use the names of those children to track down there parents for deportation.

-Get rid of all "laws" (which are not Constuitional) which forbid police, in some states, from asking latino criminals who don't speak english if they are citzens or not.

-Make it mandotry proccedour for police nationally to run backround checks for citizenship on any criminal who can't produce proof of citizenship or green card/VISA. Those are found out to be illegals are deported and not jailed.

-Verify the citizenship of all criminals locked up in American jails, those illegals that are found out are deported.

-Make it mandatory for atleast on officer of the law to be located in every emergency room/hospital in nation for the purpose who checking for the ID of those who can't speak english/aren't in the system. Any who can't prove a VISA or greencard nor citizenship and don't need emergency care will be arrested and deported.

- All known illegal hang-outs and safe havens shall no longer be ignored by law enforcement but raided and patrolled by ICE agents.

-the number of federal ICE agents shall be tripled at the very least.

-Put up signs in schools telling students and concerned citizens of a number to call if they know where an illegal immigrant(s) is/are hiding. Perhaps create benefits for those help track down illegal aliens.

-Endow the FBI with the authority to monitor those who are known/suspected of aiding and abedding illegal aliens such as organizations that have done that in the past such as ACORN, LA RAZA, the ACLU, to mention a few. If any of these or other organizations are caught aiding and abedding illegal immigrants knowingly penalize them with severe pentalizes fincially.

-End mass muslim immigration, only let in muslims with clear non-extremist backround

-End all legal immigration of immigrants with no-work skills who don't speak the langauge.

-Ballots will no longer be written in both spanish and english but only english.

-No one with HIV-AIDS, Tuberclosis or another contagious disease shall immigrant legally to America.

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