Sunday, December 27, 2009

Testing America

Obama won, in part, in 08' because his supporters shamlessly (though usually absent-mindedly) made the election somewhat into not a real election about an actual set of issues but a test for America, in which Americans could show if they were enlightned, post-racial and proggesive by voting for Obama or show that they were racist, primitive and provincial by voting for Mccain. If Obama won white America/America would show that it wasn't so racist after all and had "evolved" morally, if Obama lost, however, then implicitly America/white America would show that it was just as primitive and racist as Jesse Jackson and the world thought.

If you doubt me how many mind-numbing times have you heard one of the million generic leftists in the media resort to the following talking point?:

"Though much has been made about whether Obama is "black enough" for black voters, perhaps a more relevant question is this: Has the nation's white majority evolved to a point where it can elect a black man as president?" (The Washington Post)

Talking about the "transformational", "post-racial", "unfying", "enlightening" effects and signals of the Obama victory never fails for a generic liberal pundit who has nothing orginal or intresting to say about Obama.

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