Friday, January 15, 2010

Media Bias & the Hiatian Earthquake

The companion news-story to the Haitian earthquake has been"The 700 Club" host Pat Robertson's claim that the Hiatian earthquake was brought about by the "deal they made with the devil" in order to beat the French and gain indepdence in the 19th century through a ferecious slave rebellion-the first sussecful slavery revoultion which hurt the French pocket book so badly that it led Napepolian to sell the Louissana Territory to America during Jefferson's Adminstration.
Apparently the liberal media is also, as always, making a big hoo-haw about something, there favaroite villian, Rush Limabaugh said about Obama's relief effort in Haiti which i don't know and don't really care to know (i know it will be ridiclously distorted by the wretched Wanda Sykes' of the media).
Anyways, Pat Robertson's remarks are odd, he must refering to something could he really be speaking extemprnously when he says that. But i'm sorry to say i'm not outraged like all those who are pretending to be.

But get this: a liberal celebrity said something similiary absurd about the great quake. His name is Danny Glover. Remember him? Yeah, i used to like him to. His voice has changed radically since I've last seen him in a film. I recall him once sounding sophisticated and old school, like a gruff black barber circa 1943. Remember how he spoke in "The Royal Tennabaums" when Wes Anderson put him ina bow tie & a blue suite and made him talk jive with Gene Hackman? Well its shocking to here him now, he sounds like a generic black guy having drunk to much whiskey. In a interview after this Hiatian quake he said that the earthquake was the result of the failure of the Coopenhegan Climate summit according to Glover (who i recently discovered to be a crazy radical leftists, when i saw him in the film version of Howard Zinn's definitive anti-american, PC, history of the United States alongside Matt Damon, Alice Walker (the 2nd rate Toni Morison), and other such creatures.
I must say that both Glover and Robertson's remarks on the earthquake are ludicrous but if one has to choose Glover's exsplanation is the more absurd in my mind. I mean, he surely is saying that if only Obama had given away not a 100 billion to corrupt Africa but 200 billion of our tax dollars the teutonic plates below the Caribbean would reconsider moving in such a tumtulous fashion.
But Danny Glover's idiocy has gone virtually unreported by the Mainstream Media. With Robertson the liberal media can do a favariote hobby of theres and bash white Christians. If they covered Glover's remark (which is more signfigant because Glover's comments are not unique but common in the aftermath of natural diaster like this earthquake occurs.
And by the way: aren't there hundreds of Hiatian and other 3rd world/African reverends who have been known to constantly make statements just like Pat Robertson's? I'm sure Hiatian priests and preachers who will blame this blight upon them on sin. And don't they do child sacrifice in Haiti? just like in the Congo and most of Africa? Or something barbaric like female gentaila mutatilation? or cermonial rape? Surely these practices, which are far more backward and "outragous" than anything that has come from Pat Robertson's mouth, are more worthy of exsposure and being condemned? But ofcourse, white liberals see African culture are sublime and superior to our own so they just rag on poor old Pat Robertson while, these do-gooders say not a word about the barbarism that occurs everyday in Africa and 3rd world slum nations like Haiti.

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